Friday, June 17, 2005

Top Ten Reasons Durbin was wrong that we are like Nazis.

I am sure you are concerned about the Senator Durbin comments, so I thought I would give you some talking points for your encounters with rabid democrats:

1. We attack prisoners with dogs, Nazis mated them with dogs.

2. Nazis gassed women and children, we just bomb women and children.

3. Nazis used swift tactics to quickly overwhelm and subdue the enemy, we use swift tactics to quickly create an insurgency.

4. Nazis specially targeted the members of a small religion, we specially target members of a large religion.

5. Nazis used freezing water on prisoners, we use air conditioning.

6. Nazis had initial success consolidating in the middle east only to be thrown out in a few years, we...okay maybe this is the same.

7. Nazis were really good at being the bad guy and made it into an art form, we can't even do a good job with torture.

8. Nazis were actually defeated by very powerful countries acting in concert, we are being defeated by rabble.

9. Nazis were very close to actually winning, we never were.

10. Nazis had significant support on the home front...


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