Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hey PETA: Can we at least eat Salmon?

It seems to me that Salmon is a meat that is ready made for the conscientious eater. The buggers are about to make a treacherous and arduous journey back to their birthplace in order to die. Sure, some might get laid right before they die, but most never even get laid. And it is hard to imagine that fish laying is really all it is cracked up to be.

Catching them a couple weeks before their reaquaintance with fresh water (which must be a painful least like giving birth) and smacking em hard on the head with a mallet seems like the kindest thing that we can do. Eating them after that is just reward for a job well done.

There may be environmental and sustainment issues with eating salmon, but at least ethically, aren't we off the hook? Can PETA support eating salmon?


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Jrudkis said...

This is your business plan? Lurk around unrelated blogs and post ads? That is even more ridiculous than the crap you are trying to sell.


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