Monday, March 28, 2005

Comment on an Old Post: And Schiavo

"Protect Our Children!! Innoculate Our Kids Against All Possible Viruses!"

Anonymous said...
I know this post is over a month old, but it has new-found currency in its relevence to the Shiavo case. Your proposed innoculation may prevent your children from someday taking part in a circus such as the one going on outside Terri Shiavo's Florida hospice. What's your take?
7:27 AM

Jrudkis said...
I think it is a hard question. As a parent, I would hate to have my disabled daughter's estranged husband making medical decisions for her that he may financially benefit from. On the other hand, marriage has meaning, and making this decision belongs to the husband unless she delegated to someone else.

My take is make a living will, and give the power to someone who will always love you, like a parent or child.

As for my kids taking part in the circus, I would find that pretty embarrassing for them and me. No matter how this turns out, it really ought to be a private matter for the family.

I am also frankly amazed that religious people would fear death so much. I could understand them praying for the souls of the killers of Schiavo, but shouldn't she be pretty safe?


At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who insist on not getting the proper shots for their kids are playing russian roulette with their kids.

The reason kids who don't get vaccinations don't get sick is that all the other kids are vaccinated. Look at the developing nations in Asia and Africa where they still lose people to measles and polio. Those don't exist here anymore because of vaccines. Don't believe the 'health and sannitation' argument for erradicating disease and viruses; it was the vaccines. There are plenty of shithole areas in the US where there is very little proper hygiene and sannitation, but no measles, mumps, polio, or other cripplers.

One of my aunts died in the 1930's from a cut on her foot. It got infected and she died. People actually used to die by the tens of thousands from the flu. Get the shots and never worry about these again.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Jrudkis said...

Right, people who don't vaccinate are actually parasites who are protected by the risk others take with their own kids.

I am fully in favor of people making informed choices, but I think the choice needs to be made as if every one did the same thing.

I can understand not taking some vaccines, like chicken pox, for example, which is not generally deadly and a vaccine with no track record. But vaccines that prevent potentially deadly or crippling diseases are such a slight risk for great benefit, that I do not understand the choice.


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