Friday, May 06, 2005

Britain Shifts Right, Likes War

The British elections indicate that far from being a referendum against the War, the British have shifted to the right and endorsed the war. The British could have voted for the Liberal Democrats, the party that was very anti-war from the beginning, or they could have voted for the Labour party, who thought they needed an excuse for the war (WMD's.) The biggest shift was away from the excuse party to the "we don't need no stinkin' excuse party." The Tories attacked Blair for lying about the WMD's, but said they would have endorsed the war even with out that excuse.

What accounts for the right ward shift of Britian, even in the face of this supposedly unpopular war? In the end, it can only be seen as an endorsement of war, anti-immigration, and anti-islamic sentiment.


At 5:23 PM, Blogger AutismNewsBeat said...

So basically, the Brits are turning into Texans.

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Jrudkis said...

Exactly. Brits and europeans are feeling the pressure from immigration, just like Texas has for decades.


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