AP Breaking News
WASHINGTON DC: In an unexpected convergence of two top stories, newly nominated candidate for the Supreme Court Judge John Roberts has been implicated in the Karl Rove/Valerie Plame scandal that some insiders hoped his nomination would quell.
Judge John Roberts was being interviewed for his current position on the D.C. Appellate Court the week before the Novak column that outed Valerie Plame was published. Office records indicate that Roberts spoke to Karl Rove just hours prior to the infamous conversation with Matt Cooper, Time reporter. The notes taken by Cooper indicate that "JR" was the source for the name and background for Ms. Plame. Initially thought to be a mistake for "KR," investigators are now reviewing thousands of hours interviews to see what other references they may have missed.
Inferences gained by deputy investigator Fred Simons after a thorough review of Roberts background shows a previously unknown CIA connection that has not been thoroughly vetted. Simons would only say that "Roberts has the background and connections to know of Plame's CIA responsibilities."
Reached by phone, Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean commented that "this is exactly the unholy alliance that we expect from this administration, requiring political payoffs for nominations. Even the Supreme Court is for sale for the right leak."AP was unable to find a Republican official who would go on the record, but the consensus of those contacted was that this revelation was very likely to derail the Roberts nomination.
Presidential Spokesman Scott McClellan said he had no comment on the recent revelations.