The GOP is dead...And it is all due to Roe v. Wade.
Whether Bush nominates a conservative replacement for O'Connor or not, the Roe v. Wade issue is dead as a Republican wedge.I think that Roe v. Wade is the single issue that lead to the resurgence of the Republican party, and is the glue that holds the current 51% lean toward the party. Those incensed by the decision had to go somewhere, and the Republicans evolved to handle them. Had the court in 1973 not decided that way, I do not think we would have such a conservative government.
Many single issue voters hold their nose and vote republican solely because of this one issue. While there are single issue voters on the other side, there are not as many who lacking the abortion issue would vote republican. But now the Republicans have had their chance. They control Congress, the presidency, and have a swing vote to fill. The stars are aligned, and it is time for action. If they fail to capitalize on the opportunity and kill Roe v. Wade, they will no longer be supported by the single issue voters, who will feel betrayed and probably vote third party. If they do manage to kill Roe v. Wade, the issue will no longer exist, and the single issue voters will align with the party closer to their economic interest.
It has been a good run, but it is over. Bush needs to make sure what he gets done counts, because he is handing the reins over to the democratic party when he is done.
What a shame that the party had to end so soon.