When the Lights Go Out.
Now that we have had the time to fully appreciate the disaster in the Gulf States, I think we should each consider how well prepared we are individually to respond to disaster. It is apparent that we can not reasonably rely on instant response from any level of government, though realistically we should have all known that when millions of people are effected by a disaster, it will take time for substantive aid to arrive for all.
As a simple method of determining your own preparedness, consider the last time you experienced a power failure in your home, which we have all experienced. Did you have to stumple around looking for flashlights? Did they work if you found them? Did you have a method to prepare food? Did you have canned food to last a few days? Did you have a system for family members to contact each other? Did you do anything different when the power came back?
In a large disaster, do you have the training and supplies to help your family members if they are injured and need first aid? Are you part of an organization that will help organize the response, or are you expecting others to help you?
Giving money in the aftermath is important and great, but it is as important that we all try and make sure that if we are in the disaster, we are assets, not simply victims, when the lights go out.
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