Wednesday, January 04, 2006

GOP delighted at Abramoff Plea

AP: Washington
January 4, 2006.

The recent plea agreement made by fund raiser and lobbyist Jack Abramoff has been seen as a debacle for the heavily Republican Congress, and some authorities cite a likely influence in upcoming Congressional campaigns.

However, the conventional wisdom may be a little premature. According to Jeff Seward, a GOP staffer for Dennis Hastert, most Republicans are not concerned about the potential scandal. According to Seward, campaign contribution scandals tend to be pretty dull affairs, and "he was sure that most American's eyes glaze over...just look at how little damage the Gore campaign received after shaking down a bunch of nuns."

Additionally, other staffers have noted delight and relief. While not willing to go on the record, they pointed out that as long as the case was going on, the scandal would be in the press. Further, they indicated that honor would require that they continue with bargained-for-policies so long as Abramoff was free. Now that Abramoff has pled guilty, the Congressmen were free to keep his donations and sell their influence again.

White House Spokesman Scott McClellan was not available for comment.


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