Monday, November 07, 2005

Would this Influence your Purchases?

Overseas made products are often cheaper than US products, but at the expense of the environment and worker protections. US trade agreements make it difficult to impose regulations of foreign products through legislation. Poor people in foreign countries should be able to sell the products that they make here, so they will be less poor and able to afford products we export, but how can we make sure our purchases are not causing harm to the environment or workers?

I think there is a possibility for an entrepreneur to come up with a service mark that verifies that overseas production facilities are meeting US environmental and OSHA level regulations (probably not word for word, but in spirit...maybe more protection in one area could offset a below level in another). If it worked more or less like the Safe Tuna sticker, it would not be a requirement to sell in the US, would therefore not violate any free trade agreements, but consumers could choose to purchase products that are not creating commons damage, or harming workers. If enough progressive people were willing to purchase products with a minimal cost increase for the service mark (49 % of America being democrats it should not be that hard to get a groundswell, just like all supermarkets now offer organic products due to Whole Foods inroads), companies would have to meet the requirements or not be able to sell their products. And it would benefit US workers by making them more competitive without stripping protections. There would still be a benefit to making products overseas with lower worker costs (which would help impoverished places with development), but it would also allow those who support environmental policies and worker regulations to help export those policies through the market.


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