Wednesday, November 09, 2005

First Outing of Valerie Plame


Despite Ambassador Joe Wilson's proclamations to the contrary, the Washington Post editorial by Robert Novak in June, 2003, was not the first public disclosure of his wife's role in undercover operations.While recent allegations of Wilson's own loose lips in the Foxnews green room to two retired military officers has also made recent headlines, AP has learned that Ms. Plame played a key role in the first outing of both herself and the "cover" corporation that she worked for.

Ms. Plame wrote a screen play that was turned into a movie in the early 1980's under the psuedonym "Emmit Fitzhume." The movie included disclosure of CIA insertion operations, selection of operatives, and the name of an until then CIA run agency called the "Ace Tomato Corporation." However, the credits to the movie include her name as the "CIA technical advisor," and her actual role was played by Donna Dixon, a role that used her name.

While Ms. Plame had her lead character use her pseudonym for the screenplay, her part in the operation used the cover of a Red Cross Nurse working in the mountains of Pakistan along the Afghanistan border. Red Cross officials launched an investigation and broke ties with the CIA after the movie to prevent the appearance of impartiality. Plame also drew criticism from the CIA for releasing information about common sexual practices of agents on assignment.

Ms. Plame has said that the screenplay was vetted by the CIA prior to her submission to Warner Brothers films.

The movie, which was titled Spies like Us, nearly ended the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1985 due to the disclosure of rogue military officers trying to launch a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Additionally, the CIA was forced to changed the name of the under cover corporation to the "Acme Tomato Corporation."

Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald has indicated that he was aware of this disclosure, and it was the primary reason that he did not indict any current officials for violations of the Undercover Agent Act.

Neither Chevy Chase nor Dan Akroyd, the producers and lead actors in the film would comment, citing "national security."

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Real Reason Women go to the Bathroom in Pairs!

NFL cheerleaders arrested after alleged sex
Carolina Panthers' Keathley, unidentified woman reportedly were in stall news services
Updated: 1:46 p.m. ET Nov. 7, 2005
TAMPA, Fla. - Carolina Panthers cheerleaders Angela Ellen Keathley and Renee Thomas were arrested early Sunday morning after allegedly having sex with each other in a bathroom stall at Banana Joe's nightclub in Tampa, Fla., according to several reports.

Would this Influence your Purchases?

Overseas made products are often cheaper than US products, but at the expense of the environment and worker protections. US trade agreements make it difficult to impose regulations of foreign products through legislation. Poor people in foreign countries should be able to sell the products that they make here, so they will be less poor and able to afford products we export, but how can we make sure our purchases are not causing harm to the environment or workers?

I think there is a possibility for an entrepreneur to come up with a service mark that verifies that overseas production facilities are meeting US environmental and OSHA level regulations (probably not word for word, but in spirit...maybe more protection in one area could offset a below level in another). If it worked more or less like the Safe Tuna sticker, it would not be a requirement to sell in the US, would therefore not violate any free trade agreements, but consumers could choose to purchase products that are not creating commons damage, or harming workers. If enough progressive people were willing to purchase products with a minimal cost increase for the service mark (49 % of America being democrats it should not be that hard to get a groundswell, just like all supermarkets now offer organic products due to Whole Foods inroads), companies would have to meet the requirements or not be able to sell their products. And it would benefit US workers by making them more competitive without stripping protections. There would still be a benefit to making products overseas with lower worker costs (which would help impoverished places with development), but it would also allow those who support environmental policies and worker regulations to help export those policies through the market.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Paris Riots Spark Outrage, but Few Injuries

Le Monde, Paris.

8 Days of evening riots in poor immigrant suburbs of Paris have led to anger and despair on the South Eastern Paris outskirts. Despite pleas from the government and Islamic religious leaders, the well organized disruptions and violence have continued.

However, observers were quick to note that despite the large numbers of participants and police officers involved in the altercations, no injuries have been reported. According to sources in the Paris police department, France is well positioned to prevent injuries due to riots of this nature.

According to Rene Destang, the leader of anti-riot forces for the Police, unique French characteristics prevent serious injuries. He said, "well, whenever there is a possible contact between rioters and police, both sides simply turn tail and run away. While there have been a few twisted ankles due to quick action among the most French on both sides, we do not expect any real injuries. In fact, this whole thing is due to two French Muslims who were simply doing what we do best: running and hiding. Unfortunately they hid in an electrically charged grid in a powerhouse. Don't worry, both sides will surrender soon."

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